Marnie Colborne
- Apr 19, 2018
Join our Leadership Team! Top 5 Reasons to become a Youthnited Nations Board Member
So, if you are reading this, I am 100% sure you have already gone through some of our podcasts, blog posts, event write ups and perhaps...
Saige Godberson
- Apr 14, 2018
SDG of the Month - SDG 2
Well, it is halfway through April and that means it is time to focus on another important Sustainable Development Goal, and for the month...
Marnie Colborne
- Apr 1, 2018
We are a Long Way from Gender Equality
Reflecting back over the last 365 days, our world has seen extremely strong, empowering and impactful movements lead by women seeking...
Saige Godberson
- Mar 27, 2018
Ronald McDonald House Charities Event
Well its official, we had our very first collective event as an organization! We were so excited to officially host an event, and even...
Marnie Colborne
- Mar 8, 2018
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW62)
This upcoming Monday (March 12th, 2018) , I (Co-Founder Marnie Colborne of Youthnited Nations) will be attending the United Nations...
Saige Godberson
- Mar 7, 2018
SDG of the Month - SDG 17 (March)
Well it's the start of a new month, and for the month of March we have chosen to focus on Sustainable Development Goal 17! So you may be...
Marnie Colborne
- Jan 20, 2018
So what's an SDG? And why do I care?
Well here's a hint: it's not just an acronym, abbreviation and it certainly is not an illness. SDG is the shortened form for a...